jeudi 7 mars 2013

Vacation Week 2

     Hello all! Thanks for waiting so patiently! I hope you enjoyed reading that last post as much as I enjoyed writing and illustrating it... I'm amused way too easily. Anyways, here's a short recap of what I've been up to this week.

This week was mainly a stay at home week. I attempted to do some work, because I'll admit I'm getting a little behind. I read over my math notes a couple times, and went through the basic steps. I present you with Lia's Work Habits.

     Aside from that, Juliette tried to keep me active and away from my computer (and the blog, sorry!) by inviting me on excursions to town, like eating lunch with friends or simply walking down the street to buy bread. I've been shopping a couple times, but nothing's struck my fancy. (That's a lie, I'm just too cheap to admit it!) Accompanied by one of Juliette's friends, we also went to see the movie "20 Ans D'Ecart", which was basically a French movie about cougars. Woo!
      Talking's getting a little easier, although there's been some English going on this week. This evening at dinner we discussed facts about Canada, and I was able to name some useful facts en Francais! No new foods to report so far, but I'm always on the look out.
     In fact, there's an upcoming Chocolate Festival in Nantes this weekend.


      Time to loosen up the belt and get out the stretch pants! Juliette tells me it will consist of vendors, recipe demonstrations, and of course... FREE SAMPLES! I can't wait, and I'll try to save some to bring back!

     I hear that at home Square Dancing is starting up again! I wish I was there with you guys to enjoy it, because I don't think they do that kind of thing here. But don't worry, I'm still getting my exercise in. I've been to downtown Nantes via a bike tour from Juliette, and only almost got hit by a car once. (Don't freak out, Mom.) Also, I'm going to try accompanying Juliette on her morning runs! Cross country 2014 anyone?

I can't believe tomorrow will mark one month I've been away from home! It feels so much shorter!

Miss you all, thank you so much for your love and support! Chocolate coming your way!
Bisous, Lia

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